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What to expect at our Sydney Open Day

Twice a year we hold an Open Day with our partner Sydney Design School. If you can make it to Sydney it’s a great opportunity to find out everything you’ve wanted to know about studying online with us.

What happens at Open Day?

Our Open Days are all about getting inspired, informed and creative.

Create an interiors sample board // Our Educators will share tips and tricks with colour and fabrics as you create your own sample board. Share a photo of your sample board in our Instagram competition you could win a free Interior Decoration Workshop!

Try out 3D modelling software // Work stations will be set up in our studios so you can get a taste of what we offer our students. You’ll see 3D modelling software in use and you can have a play on the computer yourself.

See student work // There’ll be an exhibition of student work to inspire and give you an insight into our courses. There’s nothing more energising than to see what you could achieve during your interior design studies.

Listen and question // Our Director Amanda Grace will be giving a presentation about our courses with a Q&A. Our team will also be available to chat one on one throughout the morning. Take advantage of this opportunity to make sure you’re fully informed about choosing IDO for your interiors education.

How to make the most of your experience

Be prepared // Before the day spend some time on our website. With a bit of preparation you’ll feel more confident to come along armed with questions and a list of things you’re curious about.

Arrive on time // We open the doors at 10am and our Director’s presentation starts at 10.45am. Allow time before the presentation to meet our team, enjoy a snack and take a look at student work.

Bring a friend // Sometimes you need some moral support to make big decisions. Feel free to bring along family and friends – tell them there’s coffee!

Get involved // You’ll get so much more out of the day if you get involved – make a sample board, have a go on the computers in the CAD room and take in the student work. Say hello to our team and Educators, catch up with our in house Careers Coach about your personal career options and have your questions about payment plans and financial assistance answered by our enrolment team. It’s a relaxed morning and we’re all down to earth and approachable, so put yourself out there!