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Hospitality Design // Biasol

Biasol (pronounced ‘b–are–zoul’) is an award-winning design studio based in Melbourne and making waves internationally. Working across hospitality, residential, workplace and commercial environments, the Biasol team’s commitment is “to design beyond expectation”. This raison d’être is more than evident in their amazing portfolio of completed projects from Australia to the UK and China, including the current Instagram favourite, Wes Anderson inspired, The Budapest Cafe in Chengdu.


“An end product is the result of extensive research and development because fundamentally we create experiences.”

Jean-Pierre Baisol

“We want to embrace challenges, draw on our experience to cleverly bring in detail and still align budgets and time constraints with a design that works. So there is a lot to consider especially with hospitality, which is expertise we can then adapt into some of our other disciplines.”

We have quoted Jean-Pierre Baisol from an insightful interview he did with est. You can read the whole interview here.

Visit the Baisol website here to see more, and follow them on Instagram @baisoldesign to keep up to date with new projects.